Unter Bauern

Genere: Feature film / Trailer
Anno: 2008/2009
Durata: 01:50 min
Descrizione: Among Peasants The film version of Marga Spiegel′s autobiographic book "Retter in der Nacht". Germany in 1943: In order to escape the deportation and killing by the Nazis, the Jewish horse trader Siegmund Spiegel flees his Westphalian hometown Ahlen together with his family. The Spiegel family takes shelter with several peasant families who risk their own lives by hiding the Jewish family. From then on, the Spiegels have to endure a grueling time in the constant fear of detection – and with the hope that the Nazi reign will someday come to an end.
Fonte esterna: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Diritti: In Copyright / 3L Filmverleih GmbH & Co. KG (Dortmund)
Casa di produzione: FilmForm Köln GmbH (Köln)
Director: Ludi Boeken
Tipo documento:
Language: de